For any baseball ⚾️ fans out there - this deal good til midnight. (MLB TV + All Teams to end of season, normally $69.99 this time of year.)
(via AG)
Downtown Havre de Grace set to undergo restoration focusing on walkability and scenery
Work has begun to transform the heart of downtown Havre de Grace into a pedestrian-friendly, “Chesapeake Colonial” town with wider sidewalks, new trees, brick roadways and parallel street parking.
“This is the vision of the majority of the people,” Martin said. “The real emphasis on this is letting the citizens have pride in their downtown and feeling like they belong to something special because Havre de Grace is amazing.” The project will use a portion of the $13.8 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds the town received from the federal government to replace critical infrastructure. The funds were distributed nationally to help with recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. Infrastructure replacements include water lines, electric and sewer lines. Since the repairs and replacements require the town to dig up popular downtown streets such as St. John and Washington streets, project officials are calling the restoration plan a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to improve the city.
(via Baltimore Sun)
I don’t know when exactly it happened, but somewhere along the line, Cheerios became Fruit Loops … It’s a slippery slope I tell ya. ;)
Discovered on the interwebs. Immediately forwarded to attorney friend as a diversified revenue stream offering to consider further. :)
Interesting data point on population movements within the U.S. based on 2022 tax filings.
After suggesting my son and I play a board game together -
7 yo: Do you know to play dad?
Me: Well, I haven’t actually played this game before - maybe you can explain to me how it works?
7 yo: You can read the instructions
Me: I guess I could
7 yo: That’s the main reason for the instructions
(Ahhh - if only I had known) ;)
Pedestrian deaths are up in Maryland, opposite national average
Maryland saw an 18% increase in pedestrian deaths in 2023 amid a 5% decrease nationwide, according to preliminary data from the Governors Highway Safety Association released in June.
Possible helps?
The Maryland Department of Transportation, which includes MVA, implemented a new Complete Streets policy June 1 that requires all its divisions to follow planning and design principles that consider the safety, access and mobility of all users in projects in state rights of way involving more than one mode of transportation, starting next year.
And even a demo:
The first visible signs of Maryland’s new Complete Streets policy are to be temporary demonstration projects in partnership with advocacy group Smart Growth America. Targeting intersections or corridors with histories of fatalities or crashes in Bel Air, Hagerstown and Howard County, they are to be completed by fall and removed by the end of the year.
Fun, and laced with truth, video about a dad who effectively functions Assistant Manager to his wife for household management and how the family org chart works. 😃
Orioles hold first Faith Night, joining 18 other MLB teams ⚾️
McCann’s testimony might have been the most dramatic. He asked crowd members to close their eyes as he told the story of a young couple who had decided to start a family, only to deliver a child who was stillborn. Taking the risk of trying again, they faced another tragedy when the mother suffered such extreme complications six weeks into her pregnancy that doctors told her their child had only a 1 in 4 chance of surviving — and that if he did survive he would be severely mentally or physically disabled. When others suggested it might be the best idea to terminate the pregnancy, both parents declined, saying they were instead “putting their faith in God.” “Open your eyes,” McCann said. “I was that child. From day one, God has been protecting me”
An article about how a magician needed a license for the proverbial rabbit, but not if it was an iguana …
Connected to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch recently released book, “Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law”.
Odd to read article, and food for thought. (via WSJ)
President Biden articulates his exit of the Presidential race, while appealing to American ideals, casting his public service career, and supporting Vice President Harris. Feels a historic moment to reflect on, regardless of political leanings.
I’ve been asking people what time it is since this morning, but everyone I ask tells me something different.
-son, reading from “Crack Yourself Up: Jokes for Kids”
Man, I get hit by the same bike everyday going to work … it’s a vicious cycle. 🚲
“Maryland pardons prove marijuana legalization not about social justice” via Baltimore Sun opinion page
…Moore’s decision to pardon these prior marijuana convictions should be commended.
These recent steps highlight the false dichotomy between the criminalization of marijuana and the legalization of today’s highly potent THC drugs. While nobody should be in jail for the use of marijuana, the alternative policy need not legalize dangerous psychoactive drugs and usher in a for-profit marijuana industry, as was done in Maryland
This trend is also playing out in Maryland, with some voters having second thoughts about legalization. According to a Washington Post/University of Maryland poll, only 31% of voters have a positive view of legalization. Notably, Black Marylanders were more likely to say it’s been bad than good, at 32% vs 28%, respectively. Opposition comes across party lines, with 63% of Democrats and 76% of Republicans saying legalization has not been good for the state.
A good first step to protect Marylanders would be curbing public use, educating young people about the risks, requiring product labels with science-based warnings, and enacting strong regulations on the industry. The governor should turn his pulpit to these real concerns before more Marylanders get hurt.
Interesting cross-take on this national trend, and I think a more nuanced acknowledgement that it’s not a simple as all bad/ all good.
“The poster’s guide to the Internet of the future” via verge, via @manton
Encouraged to see the evolution of thinking around individual posting on the web - the resurgence of some tools, the creation of new ones, and the emergence of web standards to enable.
The term POSSE that’s part of this conversation was new to me, but the concept not, as I’ve tried to achieve of version of this over the last 17 years (e.g., eschewing Facebook posting as it wasn’t open, using Buffer for professional posting, etc.)
The challenges described in the latter half of this article are noteworthy, however, and without adequate answer, will prevent the vision from being realized.
On the cross-posting side, the variety of platform standards does seem to necessitate a two-step process, or at least a real-time visualization within the POSSE composition platform. Buffer had to go this approach because hidden, rules-based programming doesn’t adequately address.
The threading of mentions and replies also presents a challenge, though this seems more achievable.
For both of the above, the walls erected by the platform silos seem the greatest friction point. They know that part of their value comes from the walled garden effect and the exclusivity effect. A generous view would also attribute an interest in avoiding detritus on their platform. I imagine a robust identity authentication schema would be part of a solution.
But I’m hopeful this movement continues to advance as I think it does form a better web of interconnected humans than what we have now.
Nothing quite like a Cub Scout day camp - Wonderful to experience Scout Spirit alive and well! 😀
Report finds ‘staggering’ utility hikes in Maryland since 2010
Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.’s gas delivery rates have more than tripled since 2010, with statewide utility rates following suit.
“These increases reflect a concerted utility effort to boost profits by accelerating capital infrastructure spending — including massive spending on gas infrastructure …”
Reply from BGE:
“Customers are becoming more reliant on safe and reliable energy to power their lives and livelihoods while we are also facing increased threats to the resiliency of our infrastructure, including cyber intrusions and more frequent severe weather brought by climate change.
“The energy infrastructure investments we make now will ensure we can continue to meet our customers’ needs and lay the foundation for the State of Maryland to reach its goal of net zero emissions by 2045.”
(via Baltimore Sun)
Watched Bob Ross on PBS with the kids for the first time this past Saturday, and they seemed definitely intrigued.
This morning, I get out the watercolor paints for a quick kid activity as I’m cleaning the kitchen, and completely unprompted, #2 starts saying: “And I’m going to put a happy little bush here, and a happy little bush there.”
It’s contagious. 😄🎨👨🎨
Wow!! - Didn’t expect this for today’s ⚾️ game: Let’s Go O’s!!
This tweet thread on the “missing middle of housing” provides some interesting reflections. I suspect parts are a little caricatured, but the overall point remains that what we call “neighborhood” has shifted tremendously in the last 100 years, and not all for the better.