Encryption technologies have been around for a long time and back in the late 90s early 2000s I thought for sure they’d be more widely integrated into consumer use by now. If anything, lots of internet consumer applications have weakened personal security (think social media, ‘internet of things’, location tracking, etc.)It’s been nice to see some solutions start to emerge, like Proton Mail linked here: There’s a free version that lets you take advantage of an encrypted email Inbox, and if used with other Proton Mail users (1m+) the sending/receiving is seamlessly encrypted too. Plus it’s compatible with other encrypted email clients.I’ve signed up for a free account and am giving consideration to a paid account at some point. The paid accounts permit Proton Mail to continue doing what they do - the advent of ‘free’ (which really isn’t free) has undercut the emergence of good solutions in many situations IMO (‘satisificing’ writ large can sometimes be dangerous).In any event, give it a swing and see what ‘cha think - putting drapes on windows helps make a home. :)Secure email: ProtonMail is free encrypted email.