<h1>Apple polish wearing off?</h1>
I’ve been an Apple user from around 2002 when I got my first iBook. One of the things that drew my to the brand was the seamless digital life that ‘just works’, and the quality of the hardware that would last. To me, it was worth the price premium for that.This held true for at least a decade, but over the last few years I’ve had an increasingly a different experience. With my new iPad, MacBook Air, and iPhone 4S, I’ve noticed they’ve taken more effort on the software side to get talking to each other, my iPad and iPhone have both had to be restored more than once, the USB port on my MacBook Air is glitchy, the wires fray, etc.I sincerely hope it’s not an indicator of a trend, because Apple has done so much to make computing ubiquitous, and I like that part of it. :)