' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com . ;

                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;
                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;
                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;
                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;
                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;
                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;
                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;
                                                       ' .Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana | Posted by CJWHO.com  . ;

Classic Architecture Studies by Chema Pastrana These are some drawings and sketches from my degree of Architecture, in Spain. Indeed, they were done during the classes of the best teacher I’ve ever had: Mr. Joaquín Lorda. He thoroughly explained to us every single aspect of classical buildings and traditional construction, and encouraged us never to give up learning, for which I am much obliged to him!

Love these sketches!Visual illustration can bypass textual mediation.Makes me want to get out a pen and practice more. :)