This album dropped today: “The Symphony and the Static”. From the artist, Fr. Pontifex: “The idea for “The Symphony and The Static” as a concept came to me during Christmas last year.  I was going through a difficult time in my life and I had also walked with some people through some tough times and yet it was Christmas, which is always a joyful experience for me.  The feelings I had inside, birthed in me the idea of the tension between hope and suffering, joy and pain, and peace and violence.  One of the lines from “The Overture” sums it up, “We live in the tension of chaos and glory, chapters buried in time with so much more to the story.”  My life feels like that and it’s what I observe and experience with my people. Not one of us is immune to the human drama.  Each one of us experiences our own symphony and static.“ Gotta say, the tracks are kicking. Check it on iTunes or his online store.

(by Spirit Juice Studios)