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    @harrisong If helpful I’m using NewsBlur (for subscribing to feeds + web reading) with Reeder Classic (for iOS reading) and it’s been doing the trick. :) (NewsBlur may help achieve a savings.)

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    @klandwehr Quick note - I think your link is accidentally pointing somewhere else (TickTick app). Fortunately, easy enough to find true link. :)

  • Replying to: @manton

    @manton Gonna second a look at the Tumblr editor - I think they got a lot right back in the day, and part of why I stayed on that platform so long even after the original dev team moved on.

  • @iChris What a great reflection on the Internet, blogging, and humanness. Thanks for sharing. :)

  • Replying to:

    @manton Wonderful game concept and so admire Nintendo’s ability to continuously be creative in new and unique ways! 🕹️